Why Use Their Expensive Medication Blister Cards?
Does your loved one live in an Assisted Living facility and does that facility insist that you pay huge fees to have your medications packaged in blister cards? Facility supplied blister cards can be exceptional expensive as they insist on using their own contract pharmacy that in most cases isn’t covered by your insurance.
In most states Assisted Living residents are considered medically stable. The facility is their home and you can supply your own less expensive medication packaged in your own 31 day single dose cards (most facilities insist on single dose cards)?
As a caregiver said “My Dad’s insurance insists on Walgreens and pill bottles, and would pay only $2 out of pocket per prescription.” But because her dad uses the Assisted Facility to fill his blister packs “my Dad has only 4 medications and is charged $21/day”.
To save a lot of money you can purchase your own single dose blister cards from Medication Packaging Solutions and fill them yourself with less expensive medications supplied through your insurance. You’ll fill one 31 day card with one specific medication. If your loved one takes 4 medications a day you’ll need 4 individual cards, but these cards will last one whole month.
Here are some testimonial excepts from some of our Medication Packaging Solutions customers who save a lot of money by filling their own blister cards for their loved ones in Assisted Living Facilities.
From Paul S. in Delaware – “Finally, it’s a significant money saver. At her current assisted living facility, medication management is $10 per day. That’s a significant saving.”
From Stacy T. in Utah – “The Multi-Med blister cards allow us to package all of my mother’s meds in one dispenser. Much easier for me to prepare and the techs at the assisted living center to disperse.”
Jane M. in Alabama – “Your blister cards save me a great deal of cost for my husband’s medications while he is a resident in a healthcare facility. This allows me to use my preferred pharmacy in lieu of a much more costly contract pharmacy.”
Celeste J. in Georgia – “The blister cards that Medication Packaging Solutions provide has made it possible for my mother and I to save literally thousands of dollars on medication each year. If we did not have these cards, we’d be forced to seek another/previous means of getting her medication which have cost her thousands of dollars annually. More specifically, my mother lives in an assisted living residence that requires medication be in blister cards.”
“As a veteran, my mother is now receiving her medication from the VA. They provide their medications via standard bottles and do not provide the service to repackage it. Your blister cards allow me to meet the assisted living residence requirement. The kit provides everything I need. Because of the number of medications my mom needs it is a time-consuming process but the actual procedure of using the cards, inserts and roller is straightforward and simple.”
Check with your facility and order your cards today to save hundreds of dollars each month
Saving Money Is Easier Than You Think
Saving money on a loved one’s medication in an assisted living facility is easy.
Many insurance companies only approve medication from pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS.
The assisted living facility insists that all medications have to be in 31 day single dose medication blister cards.
Your only choice is to use the assisted living facilities partner pharmacy that in most cases won’t be covered by your loved one’s insurance company.
This means you’ll have to pay the assisted livings partner pharmacy “out of pocket” for all medications packaged in blister cards. This can cost you hundreds of dollars each month for medications that would have cost you a fraction of that cost at Walgreens or CVS.
Unlike a Nursing Home, in an assisted living facility, residents are considered medically stable. The facility is their home and you can supply your own less expensive medication packaged in your own 31 day single dose cards.
It’s easy to fill your loved one’s medications into 31 day single dose blister cards.
Please double check with your specific assisted living facility for any additional rules or regulations when supplying your own medications.
We’ll supply the cards, a filling template and a roller.
Say your loved one takes 5 different pills a day, you’ll need 5 cards, one card for each medication, and each card will last one month.
Filling these cards take just minutes to do and you’ll save hundreds of dollars each month by using Walgreens and CVS to fill your prescriptions.
It’s so easy, still not sure then watch the video below.